Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ozone Layer; On its Way to Recovery

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So we've all been freaking out about how the ozone layer has a hole in it, and how Antarctica is going to melt and we will all be living under water, eventually. Well, you can calm down now, because scientists have proved that the Ozone layer is recovering, and faster than it was supposed to. Although there is still a hole over the South Pole, it is also recovering, but a bit slower. Do you know exactly what the ozone layer is? Well, you're about to find out. The ozone layer is a thin (13-20 km) layer that surrounds the Earth protecting us from to much sun. I gets thinner when we release CFC's, which are used largely in refrigeration, aerosol sprays and some packing foam. In the 1980's, 196 countries came together to sign a form saying CFC's were banned. The problem is still going on, but it is a wonderful fact knowing that at least it's getting better faster and faster. I hope this summary interests you!


  1. Excellent summary. Thank goodness the ozone is repairing itself. Isn't matter impressive? After all, ozone is a gas. :) Be careful when publishing, be sure to check for spelling and grammar mistakes.
