Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Long Distance Voyage of Plastic; Summary

Link for Website

Imagine you go on a cruise. You dive in to swim, and something grazes your face. It might be a bottle, or a plastic bag, but it's still plastic. There are two interesting things about this floating plastic. Firstly, scientists are concerned about what they are doing to our environment, but don't know the effect yet. Water creatures could be eating the smaller pieces, and getting sick.The second reason it's interesting is that research shows that we dump large amounts of plastic into the ocean, but ships that have been picking up the plastic show that they have found a lot less than what there should be! Scientists have a few explanations;
  1. It has become to small for nets to catch
  2. It is sinking to the bottom of the ocean
  3. Marine organisms are consuming it
More research will be made to identify which one of these three is correct (or is one actually correct)!!!

Comment please, if you have anything interesting to say...


  1. I agree whit what you posted on by blog i will try to recycle like you

  2. Hi Clare,
    Very well organized summary. I would have liked to see you develop it a bit more and perhaps to find another article about the major types of plastic that is found in the ocean. Good job. I think the plastics have been broken up into tiny pieces for other organisms to eat them easier! Yikes...
