Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A New Planet That Might Just Be Perfect

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 Posted By The Editor On 01/10/2010
Saw it 6/10/2010

The Earth is overpopulating, and for years scientists have been looking a new planet we could live on. Well, they might have found the answer: The Gliese 581g might be just the perfect planet for people to live on!!! It has its own sun, it's not too big, 3 times the size of the Earth, not too small, and not to cold and not to hot. although half. of ti is usually cold and the other half is usually hot it's awesome! But wait, other life forms could be living there. Scientists are not sure, but if the planet is perfect for us, it's perfect for almost any other living creatures, like aliens!!!! The scientists are not sure if there is any water on this new planet, but they are researching as hard as they can. Will this be the perfect planet for us, or is there another sign for intelligent life. Let's wait and see...


  1. I did the same article!! I love this article...

  2. I like how you used suspense in this summary. Creative. Good format, but be sure to edit before posting.
