Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reflection on my presentation; Mt.Etna

Hello and welcome back to Clare's Science Blog! I hope you enjoyed my last post about volcanoes and earthquakes, but get ready for something new! Today I'm going to tell you about my presentation with Francesca and I. We were studying and finding out about Mt.Etna and Stromboli, the two active volcanoes in Italy! here is my reflection....but if you would like to get the presentation, please write that below in the comment box! Thank you and hope you enjoy!

  • How do I think I did?
    • I think that we {Franci and I} did very well. We didn't have to talk to the class so much because we made a video. All we had to do while we were presenting was answer questions and repeat some unclear words from the video. Of course, the video was much harder because we had to talk a lot and make it interesting but informative. We couldn't memorize our work in so little days, so we had our laptops open while we were filming. You can't see the laptops in the video because that would look like we were just not creative. Anyway, I, personally tried to look at the camera as much as possible and I made it that when I talk everyone started laughing because I added a bit of humor.
  • What was missing from my presentation?
    • I don't think anything that Mrs.M mentioned was not in our presentation, except maybe for what can grow, and the land around the two volcanoes. At first, we only researched the myths, then Mrs.M reminded us that we needed something scientific about the volcanoes to get a good grade, so we added, in a rather creative way, how volcanoes are really formed, not like the myths and legends. Finally, since our heads were so excited, we forgot to add how people around the volcanoes are affected. So, the day of the presentation, we added that quickly to our small but very cool video!
  • What grade why?
    • I would give my group a five out of six because our video was interesting, funny, packed up with a LOT of information, and short! But it was kind of hard to understand, I thought. I'm not sure because I had memorized the text and I knew what we were saying, but it seems that other people were struggling to hear and understand. That's just what I thought, but I might be wrong...
  • What you learned about volcanoes and how they affect people who live around them?
    • People are affected in the way that they are always in caution just in case the volcano might erupt again. Of course, as you must already know, people around there get a lot and fast, nice and healthy growing crops because of the fertility of the soil that richens after lava has cooled after an eruption. People around volcanoes must always realize that whenever the volcano might explode, they could not make it in time to their cars and will probably die under suffocation of the ash or the lava that would burn them if it touched them. As you can see, living near a volcano has its risks, but can also be very good for your food!
Thank you for joining me again on another episode of Clare's super interesting facts Science Blog. Thank you and come again!


    1. Very thoughtful reflection Clare. It was clear in your presentation that you learned a lot and you and Francesca worked very well to pull together a video about both volcanoes.

    2. Name the three places (2 boundaries and 1 nonboundary) where volcanoes are created:
      Can anyone answer this question?

    3. Casino Tycoon - Hotel, Casino, Hotel, Racetrack
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